Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lapidary Layne

I just want to put a shout out for local (to Athens, GA) lapidary artisit Marie Ash. I went to her with an old beat up setting and custom request. Marie made this old forgotten family ring look like a million bucks. She cut this piece of labradorite so that it looks delicately bespeckled and magical set in this ring. I simply love it and think it's amazing what a well cut stone can do for a lackluster old setting.

Her works can be found periodically around town in Athens and sometimes she attends local craft markets such as the Indie Craftstravaganza.

Marie has been working with precious and semi precious stones and perfecting her craft since Ive known her. She creates beautiful pieces using her lapidary and metalwork skills. Her cabochans are fantastic and her facet cut stones are sparkling.

Marie is a familiar face in Athens and can be found at times up in Speakeasy. She's available for custom jobs and if you like what you see you can contact her at

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So I have been working on some design elemets that will be used to create a one of a kind bridal bouquet to be used by my dear friend next summer. I started with just the lily which was the main flower she has requested. So far I have only made one lily sample but I plan to create 2 more using two different shades of orange that are different from the one I already made. Then I added the purple and white iris element to give height and a new shape and to bring in the lavendar color element she requested. Last night I was up late playing with ideas for little white flowers to fill in. I used the general shape of Dutch Stock and sort of created my own little blooms.

I am feeling pleased with the direction these flowers are taking. I love that in a vase or held in hand these flower elements do what I want, they flow into each other. Even if these particular lements don't work for the bride to be, I think they are wonderful.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Shops and more flowers

Well, the new year, 2010, is now upon us in full force. The first week is in swing and I am gearing up for new projects and new places to hock my wares.

To start the year off right I have one new shop where you can see my newest brooches on display (and for sale) as well as some of my snap clips. It's a great little "garden boutique" called Fresh. Fresh is run by two lovely sisters, Jeanne Miller and Diana Montgomery and I am thrilled to be a part of their featured artists.

Fresh is located in downtown Hot Springs, AR at 231 A Central Ave. For those of you familiar with Hot Springs you can find Fresh on the same block as the Arlington Hotel. They offer a diverse line of garden inspired art, great gifts for the gardener in your life as well as fresh flower bouquets and arrangements.

I've also been continuing to work on ideas for my girl Anna's summer nuptials. Here's a sample iris created last night to show her. It looks nice with the tiger lily sample I finished a few weeks ago. She's still working on figuring out exaclty what she wants and so I am just coming up with ideas that I think are pretty and might work well together.

Off to watch the snow falling softly outside.